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Uploaded image present blank 8192 byte sections
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[[File:Gogh, Vincent van - Memory of the Garden at Etten (Ladies of Arles).jpg]] was uploaded this morning. The server has it corrupt. Filesize (95.674.940) is correct but sha1 (9bde05a09121148a38c2dcd9b8295a4ca7caa760) is not (should have been ae7b210f9ef765f167fa5c89e3bf460e1be7aa66).

The stored image contains 5 blocks of 8192 bytes of blank content (filled with \0s).
232000- 234000

Obviously, all of these had data in the original one.

I know we're having problems with filesystem disk space. Rejecting the upload for that would be acceptable, but this is not.

I suspect the bug lies at NFS or ZFS.

Marking as critical since this involves data loss.

Version: unspecified
Severity: critical



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Medium.Nov 21 2014, 10:41 PM
bzimport set Reference to bz19696.

That's an interesting failure mode... blocks of 0s sounds like NFS borkage to me.

(Actually, double-checking the file save on upload by checking the sha-1 hash might not be an awful idea.)

This should be fixed by Swift, if it's even still happening (which maybe it isn't)

(In reply to comment #2)

This should be fixed by Swift, if it's even still happening

Changing to WORKSFORME to get rid of deprecated LATER in this case.