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Name of the thirteenth month in Hebrew leap years is misspelled in all language files
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Author: temlakos

Patch to the date file to correct the spelling of the thirteenth month name.

When I recommended names of months for the Hebrew (Hillel II) calendar, I used John Walker's recommendations from Sadly, I credited Mr. Walker with knowing far more Hebrew than he actually knows. Specifically, he made reference to a month that he called "Veadar" or "VeAdar" as the thirteenth month in Hebrew leap years. This is not correct. "VeAdar" means simply "In Adar." The real name of that leap-year month is "Adar Beth," which literally means "Adar 2."

This will require a quick patch to all the language files, except for Hebrew, which has the correct spelling already.

Version: unspecified
Severity: trivial




Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Medium.Nov 21 2014, 10:50 PM
bzimport set Reference to bz21040.

temlakos wrote:

Patch to correct spellings of the thirteenth month name in all language files.

This patch should be applied side-by-side with the previous patch. These two patches will correct all misspellings.


Both patches are outdated with trunk r60870. Please provide one updated patch. Thanks.

No need to supply a new patch now. We are about to port/merge patches into Type:Date right now. So far, no version of SMW contained Hebrew leap year month names. If this is integrated into SMW in some future, then we may as well fix the spelling of the 13th month directly.

Again: all date-related contributions are currently under review/processing. No action is needed in the meantime.

As the Hebrew calendar was not included into SMW, this bug is no longer valid. See also Bug 21008 for some discussion.