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Parameter $1 of MediaWiki:Searchmenu-exists is replaced by wrong string
Closed, ResolvedPublic


bug in the MediaWiki:Searchmenu-exists message

As shown in the attached image, when I searched for page "categoria:categorias sem classificação adicional" at pt.wikibooks the message shown was that from [[MediaWiki:Searchmenu-exists]]:

"Há uma página chamada "" nesta wiki"

but the parameter $1 was substituted by an empty string instead of the name of the page between quotes.

The problem only happens if I set the my preferences to pt-br (Português do Brasil).

(PS: I've disabled javascript to be sure it wasn't my fault)

Version: unspecified
Severity: normal


searchmenu-exists-bug.png (424×1 px, 63 KB)



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Medium.Nov 21 2014, 11:09 PM
bzimport set Reference to bz24989.
bzimport added a subscriber: Unknown Object (MLST).

Another problem happens when the searched text has a # as the first character:
results in
There is a page named "[[:]]" on Wikipedia

Link was missing initial : to force inline linking in the pt-br master copy; fixed on TranslateWiki:

It should update automatically after a while.

(Note the issue mentioned in second link probably remains an is a general issue, not related to that language translation.)

(In reply to comment #2)

Link was missing initial : to force inline linking in the pt-br master copy;
fixed on TranslateWiki:

It should update automatically after a while.

Thanks for fixing that. =D

(Note the issue mentioned in second link probably remains an is a general
issue, not related to that language translation.)

Should't the bug be open until that is also resolved? I just tried it on other wikis, and the same problem happens e.g.:
(which displays "Es gibt eine Seite, die den Namen „[[:]]“ hat.")
(whose result is "La page [[:]] a été trouvée.")