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It seems that the extension is not compatible with lists.
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Author: cemalsureya

The parsed code with the splitted layout.

Previously, I was using GeshiCodeTag.php and decided to switch to SyntaxHighlight_GeSHi due to the fact that it was supported widely.

I heavily use listed descriptions in my wiki such as:

We'll assume we're continuing from [[Installing mediawiki]].
#Create the directory for the new wikis
#:<code>cd /wikifarm/
sudo mkdir wiki1
#Create the specific directories
#:<code>cd wiki1
sudo mkdir images config
sudo chmod a+w config
#Link the source files from the main wiki
#:<code>sudo ln -s /wikifarm/wikimain/* .
sudo ln -s /wikifarm/wikimain/config/index.php config/


but when I tried to adopt it by replacing the "<code>","</code>" tags with "<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">,</syntaxhighlight> it produced erratic results as captured in the attached file. If the block is a one-liner, the fontsize of the option links (i.e., page/discussion/edit/...) gets smaller and disoriented -- it the block is multi-lined it gets worse, with the layout becoming splitted.

I repeated this error on the wikipedia (in the Sandbox page) to make sure that it wasn't my system configuration related.

With my best regards,

Version: unspecified
Severity: enhancement


highlight_syntax_geshi_bug_capture.png (496×640 px, 63 KB)



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Medium.Nov 21 2014, 11:22 PM
bzimport added a project: SyntaxHighlight.
bzimport set Reference to bz25384.
bzimport added a subscriber: Unknown Object (MLST).

cemalsureya wrote:

Correction: In the sandbox, the layout doesn't get distorted but the multi-lines still aren't supported.

ashimema wrote:

This is a bug again when using MediaWiki 1.20.2 with SyntaxHighlight

That's how wikitext lists work: each list item is only one line. There's no way to put a multi-line construct in a wikitext list.

  • This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 1581 ***

ashimema wrote:

Sorry, didn't see this reply until now..

It has definitely worked in the past, as my wiki completely changed shape upon an upgrade. I see you have pointed the finger at the MediaWiki parser and can now understand the background. Do you happen to know if the perser project is likely to fix this any time soon?