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Give a login link to Anoneditwarning and Anonprevieweditwarning
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Author: m.niranjan


  1. Log-out of Wikipedia
  2. Go to any article's Edit page (For ex: )
  3. Click ( ) link from the 1st line of Infobox text ( You are not currently logged in. )
  4. Provide valid user-name and password and click Login
  5. Observe the 'return to' URL in the last line "Return to Main Page" (redirects to )

Actual result:
Redirects to Wikipedia's main page

Expected result:
Should redirect to the page the user was previously accessing, i.e.,

  • Niri

Version: unspecified
Severity: normal
OS: Windows XP
Platform: Other



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Lowest.Nov 21 2014, 11:24 PM
bzimport set Reference to bz25973.
bzimport added a subscriber: Unknown Object (MLST).

This is something the Wikipedians did themselves ( [[MediaWiki:Anoneditwarning]] ), so not really a mediawiki issue...

On the other hand, we should maybe include the proper link to the log in page in the default anoneditwarning message (and ditto for [[mediawiki:anonpreviewwarning]]).

The proper link can't be generated with wikitext alone (the &returnto parameter can be, but &returntoquery can't), so I guess we should introduce a {{LOGINLINK}} magic word or something.

I disagree with wontfix-ing this. I see no reason to not pass a login link to those messages via a $1

The proper link can't be generated with wikitext alone (the &returnto parameter can be, but &returntoquery can't), so I guess we should introduce a {{LOGINLINK}} magic word or something.

Does that mean this task depends on T29264: Create a {{LOGINLINK}} magic word?

Does that mean this task depends on T29264: Create a {{LOGINLINK}} magic word?

My preferred solution would be to have the loginlink be an argument to the message, similar to how its done in other places in MediaWiki - For example, what is done on OutputPage::showPermissionsErrorPage, around line 2777 of OutputPage.php.

In fact this appears to already be done for anoneditwarning (6d4b92f930d / T208989 ), so only anonpreviewwarning remains. I would suggest people copy the approach from 6d4b92f930d

I changed the task status from Open to Stalled.Feb 27 2023, 11:01 AM
I subscribed.

This problem is likely to be solved, but I don't know if I should finish it

Aklapper changed the task status from Stalled to Open.Feb 27 2023, 11:13 AM

@I: If you think it's resolved then please always explain why you think so and what you tested.

Aha, glad to have retrospectively been of service.