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Useractivity-* interface messages and their documentation are unclear
Closed, ResolvedPublic


The message documentation of

  • Useractivity-edit
  • Useractivity-foe
  • Useractivity-friend
  • Useractivity-gift

does not suffice to translate the messages, or even to use GENDER correctly.

Please explain in more depth how parameters are to be used and evaluated.
How can be dealt with the condition whether or not GEMDER applies?


Version: unspecified
Severity: normal
See Also:
T27337: MediaWiki:Useractivity-award should support GENDER



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bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Lowest.Nov 21 2014, 11:33 PM
bzimport set Reference to bz28617.

More detailed analysis:

$1 can be a single user or a list of users.

  • Single case: Why supply $6, when we have $1 already and they are equal?
  • List case: GENDER needs to be applied to each list element. For example, if we had three users in the list:
    • Petra (feminine)
    • Pitter (masculine)
    • P.T. (gender unknown) then $1, translated, had to be: Et Petra, dä Pitter, un dä Metmaacher P.T. (Note the initial capital!)

How to distinguish between single user and list of users?
It's generally impossible.

  • For the languages having a PLURAL branch of "n==1", you can (mis)use PLURAL for the purpose.
  • For the rest of the languages, you are at a loss.

In wikis having the parser functions extension installed, you could make local versions of the messages using parser functions, but that is not a general solution.

$3 looks like another user name or list. GENDER needs to be used on $3 or each user in $3 as well, in the same way as above.

All in all, this seems not really to work.

See also bug 25337
Maybe it can be treated in one go with this one.

Te message MediaWiki:useractivity-user_message also needs GENDER support on users or lists $1 and $3

Adding many blockers of bug 38638 to the list of "easy" bugs, to mark them as candidates for [[mw:Google Code-in]] tasks (gci2013). If you think this bug is not suitable, remove the keyword.

As all 4 messages no longer translatable, decline?

As all 4 messages no longer translatable, decline?

Mark invalid if they were removed from the repository, otherwise leave open.

Aklapper added a subscriber: ashley.

@ashley: Hi, I'm resetting the task assignee due to inactivity. Please feel free to reclaim this task if you plan to work on this - it would be welcome! Also see for more information - thanks!

ashley claimed this task.
ashley removed a project: good first task.

Being bold and closing this — the initial report was originally created over a decade ago, the situation today is somewhat better, I hope. All of the messages are documented and there's better GENDER and PLURAL support than way back, and I'm always looking to hear from translators if there are code-level issues that need to be addressed to improve i18n support in Social-Tools.