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Create wikimedia-dc-announce mailing list
Closed, DeclinedPublic


Please create a wikimedia-dc-announce mailing list ASAP and assign me as admin.

Version: unspecified
Severity: normal



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.Nov 21 2014, 11:29 PM
bzimport set Reference to bz28944.
bzimport added a subscriber: Unknown Object (MLST).

bugs wrote:

I talked to Aude and told her the naming guidelines would say the list should be "Wikimedia-US-DC-Announce". She's not sure the rest of the chapter would be okay with that though.

I agree with Casey. Standardization of list names is a real thing - it's crazy out of control, and the standardization has helped immensely. If it becomes a barrier to participation, we could evaluate later, but mostly people are sending from an address book....

I don't think anyone cares what the list name is. The issue here is fairly predictable, but is described mostly in this post: Wikimedia DC needs an announcements list and getting caught up in what to call it serves no one. I will say that "wikimedia-dc-announce" makes more sense given that it's "wikimedia-dc" and not "wikimedia-us-dc", but really, whatever.

If Aude doesn't want to be associated with "wikimedia-us-dc-announce" or whatever, you can make me the list owner. I'm already listed for "wikimedia-dc", I think?

We need the ability to host our own lists on, such as for our board or for wikimania internal matters. Why not go ahead and self-host wikidc-announce too? That might be the better solution.

(In reply to comment #4)

We need the ability to host our own lists on, such as for our board
or for wikimania internal matters. Why not go ahead and self-host
wikidc-announce too? That might be the better solution.

I don't really have an objection to this, though I'm generally hesitant with third-party domains, hosting, etc. simply due to the fact that while Wikimedia can't handle much, it can handle managing mailing lists. It already does so for a number of chapters/groups/et al.

I've personally tried to deal with hosting/managing mailing lists myself before and I've never found the experience particularly enjoyable. Are you willing to set up and maintain a mailman installation (or whatever)? If not, I think it's much simpler to simply use the same system where wikimedia-dc is located. (And all of the Wikimania lists, minus the one that James created, for that matter, no?)

While I think some separation from Wikimedia/its future is great, if Wikimedia goes under, I think the least of our concerns will be this mailing list, and it'd be simple enough to change over to something else in the unlikely event. Just need to make sure the list owners keep a relatively up-to-date copy of the address book somewhere.

Do you know when will be set up/have list support? A better estimate of that would make this bug much easier to resolve.

(In reply to comment #5)

Do you know when will be set up/have list support? A better estimate
of that would make this bug much easier to resolve.


Probably this weekend.

Also, we've setup a wikidc-internal list (open to everyone) to take noise and minutiae off wikimedia-dc list

bugs wrote:

As I understand it, Aude decided she'd rather have Wikimedia DC host the list themselves. => RESOLVED FIXED

If you change your mind or I'm misunderstanding, please reopen the bug.

As far as I know, this isn't actually fixed yet (i.e., there's still no announcements list for Wikimedia DC). I'm not sure what Aude's plan is here, but I'll talk to her about this and re-open as appropriate. I will change the resolution from "fixed" to "worksforme" so that others don't get confused about this and think there should be a