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When viewing a talk page history, when NOT logged in, different results are shown in internet explorer, compared to firefox
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Author: chzz

When not logged in,

As of now,

In Firefox v 4.0.1, the first entry is,
15:47, 31 May 2011
(Which is correct; the most recent entry)

In Explorer 9.0.8112, the first entry is,
02:59, 26 May 2011
(It does not show entries newer than that)

If logged in, both show the same (most recent) revisions.

The actual HTML code ('view source') seems to differ.

Adding a limit seems to 'solve' it, ie the following looks the same on both (showing the most recent entry);

Version: unspecified
Severity: normal



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.Nov 21 2014, 11:35 PM
bzimport set Reference to bz29220.
bzimport added a subscriber: Unknown Object (MLST).

chzz wrote:

(In reply to comment #0)

When not logged in,

As of now,

In Firefox v 4.0.1, the first entry is,
15:47, 31 May 2011
(Which is correct; the most recent entry)

In Explorer 9.0.8112, the first entry is,
02:59, 26 May 2011
(It does not show entries newer than that)

If logged in, both show the same (most recent) revisions.

The actual HTML code ('view source') seems to differ.

Adding a limit seems to 'solve' it, ie the following looks the same on both
(showing the most recent entry);

-This problem was reported on the help desk;

So PLEASE ALSO REPLY THERE with any update. Thanks

Reopening... I don't see why it was marked as fixed.

When closing the bug, please make sure you include the *reason* you
are closing it.