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div#bodyContent closes too early in missing categories
Closed, ResolvedPublic


The issue doesn't occur in 1.17 so look at a missing category in a wiki with a newer version of MW, like

The structure of the HTML is

<div id="bodyContent">
<div class="noarticletext">
<div id="mw-pages">

But it should be (like it is in 1.17, in edit mode and for existing categories)

<div id="bodyContent">
<div class="noarticletext">
<div id="mw-pages">

In Vector this causes a font size that is too big (#bodyContent scales down to 80% which don't apply to the page list). Also gadgets that look for the content in #bodyContent break.

Version: 1.20.x
Severity: normal



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.Nov 21 2014, 11:54 PM
bzimport set Reference to bz30865.
bzimport added a subscriber: Unknown Object (MLST).

Looks as if this might be caused by r91518. Adding a note to that revision.

Yep, looks like. It's trying to close out a <div class="mw-content-ltr">... which has not been opened in this case.

Correct behavior is probably to open a sub-div instead of to "close the previous div, show the headings in user language, then open a new div with the page content language again"

r96886 clears this up for me; please double-check for funky edge cases though!