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Article Feedback Tool difficult to use for screen reader users do to use of non-standard form controls
Closed, ResolvedPublic


I've found a few issues when using the new article feedback tool with Screen readers:
*Due to the lack of standard radio buttons, it can be difficult (if not impossible) to figure out which option is being selected in the article feedback tool when using screen readers. This applies to all 3 options. I tried it with both JAWS 10.0 and NVDA 2011.0.1, using both Internet Explorer 8.0 and Firefox 8.0.1. Neither of these combinations were very easy to use, because of the non-standard radio buttons.
*I wasn't even aware that there was a ratings feature until I tried to view the article feedback. Could this be made accessible, by using alt text on the graphics (1 star, 2 stars ...) would do) and standard radio buttons?
*In option 1, the edit box needs a form label.

Version: unspecified
Severity: minor



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Medium.Nov 21 2014, 11:58 PM
bzimport set Reference to bz33081.

lizhenry wrote:

The ratings options are also not in the tab order for sighted users who navigate without a mouse. The headings are visible to VoiceOver users, but there is no way to select a rating option.

URLs (or better screenshots) are *highly* welcome here, as the design evolves over time, plus as different ArticleFeedbackv5 versions are deployed on different wikis (the latest one can be found on ) I'm not entirely sure what the previous comments refer to exactly. :(

Thanks! The new version on the editor engagement prototype wiki has none of these issues at all, and has no accessibility problems as far asI am aware (I use a screen reader myself). Therefore, I've marked this bug as resolved.