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Filter list is lost when scrolling down in IE9
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Author: Thehelpfulonewiki

Hi. When I click on the filter list link at the top of the page, I get to see the box to make my choices. The arrow goes from pointing to the right to point downwards.

I then click on the link again to hide the box (and the arrow points to the right).

If I scroll down and click on the link again, the arrow points down but I do not see the filter box at that position on the page. It only shows up if I scroll all the way back to the top.

I don't think I noticed this in Chrome yesterday, but I'll check later today. If you need a video showing the problem, let me know.

Version: unspecified
Severity: normal
OS: Windows 7
Platform: PC



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Lowest.Nov 22 2014, 12:20 AM
bzimport set Reference to bz36629.

Wasn't able to reproduce in IE9. Are you still seeing this bug?

Thehelpfulone: Can you still reproduce this?

Thehelpfulonewiki wrote:

Seems to have been fixed now, thanks.