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VisualEditor: Nice error message for users without JavaScript
Closed, DeclinedPublic


VE should give nice error messages (where possible, graceful degradation?) to users without JavaScript or not using Vector as their skin.

Version: unspecified
Severity: enhancement



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to High.Nov 22 2014, 12:21 AM
bzimport set Reference to bz37855.

What currently locks things into Vector skin? This shouldn't be skin-dependent, in theory.

(In reply to comment #1)

What currently locks things into Vector skin? This shouldn't be skin-dependent,
in theory.

I split the lack of support for other skins out to bug 38154.

Changing this bug's summary from "VisualEditor: Nice error messages for no-JS/no-Vector users" to "VisualEditor: Nice error message for users without JavaScript". VisualEditor isn't going to be Vector-only, so there's no reason to work on an error message for that.

If you don't have JavaScript, then nothing will happen at all - there's no need for a "nice error message".

And even if there was, you would do what? Implement something in PHP that detects if JavaScript is enabled on the client and then output a custom page, just for that user, that tells them they can't use VisualEditor because they don't have JavaScript enabled? So - that part of this bug is useless (sorry to be snarky, just having fun)

As for other skins - VisualEditor skin integration is something we are still working on. We want it to be skin-independent, and soon it will be, but we have to make an API for this, and in the mean time we are just hacking in support for a couple skins. That part of the bug is valid - maybe we should rename this to "VisualEditor lacks skin integration API".

This might be a partial duplicate of bug 38154

VE already gracefully degrades. It simply doesn't appear. I don't think there's anything more we should do at this point.