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Looks like we can safely use most of the context methods while keeping support for 1.18. Currently it is quite a mix and confusing and also causing bugs and making unit tests harder.

Version: master
Severity: enhancement



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Low.Nov 22 2014, 1:11 AM
bzimport set Reference to bz38836.

It's not too bad:
ack "global.*wg(Out|Lang|User|Request)" | wc -l

That's about 60 methods to fix. Some of them will be easy, some of them not.

(In reply to comment #1)

First stab in Gerrit change #17001.

Status Merged

Merged gerrit 27157 links here

Gerrit 65447 probably completes this. I'll do another check.