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[Opera] ULS text winds up on top of the icon in RTL languages
Closed, ResolvedPublic


The label winds up on top of the icon in rtl in opera (only tested it and chromium; might be an issue elsewhere, might not). Completely illegible. Also rather ironic.

Version: unspecified
Severity: normal



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Low.Nov 22 2014, 1:37 AM
bzimport set Reference to bz45142.

Which label exactly? Can you please provide a screenshot?

Created attachment 11805
p-personal toolbar with ULS dropdown label overlaping icon


130219_uls_fa.png (175×877 px, 19 KB)

From a quick look, probably CSSJanus doesn't transform the complicated CSS background definition for .uls-trigger. I'll look into it.

From a second look, it also seems like Opera is doing something absolutely bizarre, confusing left and right padding. Wat.

I'm testing on

Adding 'dir="ltr"' to '<a class="uls-trigger">' fixes the issue on Opera. Don't ask me why.

And so does '#pt-uls { direction: ltr; }'. Could any of the resident localisation experts check if this could cause any issues? It doesn't seem to break anything for me at a first glance (but I don't speak any RTL language, nor do I have experience with working with them), so if it works, I'll submit the fix to gerrit.

(In reply to comment #4)

From a second look, it also seems like Opera is doing something absolutely
bizarre, confusing left and right padding. Wat.

Bartosz, can you confirm that you only observe the weirdness in opera? We are aware of more weirdness in that browser. May it will solve itself once Opera starts using WebKit in 18 months or so... Please also be aware that Opera is not a "main browser platform" for Wikimedia -- can't find the link at the moment.

(In reply to comment #7)

Bartosz, can you confirm that you only observe the weirdness in opera?

It seems to work correctly on IE 8 and Firefox 18. (But my patch doesn't break anything in them.)

Submitted I71c2c4ca to fix this with a little CSS hack to avoid touching upsetting other browsers, just in case. It shouldn't break when Opera fixes their bug.