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Links sometimes not working on, and then behaving weirdly when they do
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Author: pinkampersand.wikimedia

See The links under "Court Documents" aren't working for me. (As in, your cursor doesn't change when you go over them, and clicking does nothing.) Brought it up on IRC and they aren't working for Ariel either. However, and are working fine... but the TOC in isn't.

In both cases where they're not working, they work while the page loads, but then stop working once it's completed loading. This is the case for me on both Chrome on my Chromebook and Firefox on my PC, and when I tried with IE on my PC, I got the even stranger result of the links working, but the "this page does not exist" messages being in Greek (presumably some strange result of Ariel having purged the page).

Version: master
Severity: major



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Medium.Nov 22 2014, 1:46 AM
bzimport added a project: ProofreadPage.
bzimport set Reference to bz50367.
bzimport added a subscriber: Unknown Object (MLST).

pinkampersand.wikimedia wrote:

(Addendum: Chrome tests were both logged-in and logged-out, with no difference. Firefox and IE tests were only logged-out. Checked /Windsor/ and /Detroit Timber & Lumber/ in all cases; only tested COTUS and my bugtest subpage while logged in on Chrome.)

baltoslavic wrote:

Tested COTUS links in Safari (Mac OSX). Links not behaving like links for me either, cannot even click "[Hide]".

pinkampersand.wikimedia wrote:

Someone figured out a z-index hack to get around this, and the fact that it works may provide some clues as to what's causing this.

Removing position:relative has also reportedly led to some success.

ssanbeg wrote:

It appears that proofreadpage is wrapping the transcluded text in a relative positioned div, which is obscuring the floating div containing the links. I'm not sure exactly where that div is coming from, but adding a z-index to the floating div allows interaction to work.

Immediately inside the relative position div is another div with class="my-ct"; maybe that is added in the same place?

This was ultimately a local template & module issue solved later in 2013 and had nothing to do with the Proofread Page Extension at all.


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