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wikidatawiki daily dumps have failed for the last 4 days
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bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.Nov 22 2014, 1:52 AM
bzimport set Reference to bz53392.

test4444 wrote:

The one for the 27 was created:

Previous one created:

The one from the 27th seems to include some of the changes of previous days, but lack some of the changes from the 24th.

The way these runs work is that each run contains the revisions from the maxrevid.txt file for that date, and the maxrevid.txt file from the previous date where it exists (if it wasn't created on the previous date then we look back a day earlier, etc).

SO the run for the 27th only has changes covering revs 668833214 through 67099529.

I've rerun the days in between for the stubs and pages content so now you have all the bits and pieces.

Please note that this is an *experimental* service, not guaranteed to be running, and it will eventually be phased out in favor of real incremental dumps.

As to why it didn't run, I will guess that there was some maintenance work happening on the db server in question.

test4444 wrote:

Thanks for the update and the explanation.

To determine the starting revs, maybe it could take the last one with a "done" status in .

It could, but the expectation when I wrote this code is that the missing days would be rerun, since we have the revids from those days. I never made it more robust because it's all sort of a hack anyways.