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Description of tags "VisualEditor: Check" and "VisualEditor: Switched" are hard to translate
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In its current form I'm always wondering "check what?" and "switched what?"

Can't them be replaced by sentences like "Switched from VisualEditor" and "Check VisualEditor errors" or something better?

Version: unspecified
Severity: normal



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.Nov 22 2014, 2:53 AM
bzimport set Reference to bz62694.

Aren't the docs supposed to clear up issues like this? Are they insufficient?

(In reply to Helder from comment #0)

In its current form I'm always wondering "check what?" and "switched what?"

Can't them be replaced by sentences like "Switched from VisualEditor" and
"Check VisualEditor errors" or something better?

Space is at a premium where tags are involved. They occur in page histories, recent changes, watchlists, diffs, IRC feeds, and other places. Brevity is important.

Also, as Alex says, if this is just fixing the qqq messages to make these clearer, this can be done at without the need for a bug.