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Hovercards: ctrl-clicking a link, will cause Hovercard to reappear, when original tab is next seen
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Filed per bug-repot by NicoV, which I can reproduce consistently in Firefox:

After Ctrl+Click, I move the cursor (the hovercard disappears).
I go to the new tab, move the mouse far away from where it was, and then close the tab.
Then, Chrome displays again the previous page on which I did the Ctrl+Click : the hovercard reappears even if the cursor is nowhere near the link.

Version: unspecified
Severity: normal



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.Nov 22 2014, 3:21 AM
bzimport added a project: Page-Previews.
bzimport set Reference to bz66261.
bzimport added a subscriber: Unknown Object (MLST).

Created attachment 15761

Screencast showing the problem.
I ctrl-click (or middle-click, or right-click-open-in-new-tab) the link, and every time I go back to the original page, the hovercard reappears.

Even if I mouseover other links (to trigger new hovercards).

The only way to cancel it, is to left-click somewhere on the original page.


I've been meaning to write up this bug for a while. Here's an equivalent screencap that I recorded this morning.

hovercards-bug-1.gif (472×563 px, 4 MB)

Browser: Chrome (54.0.2840.71) on macOS Sierra (10.12).

@ovasileva, @HaeB: Note well that dismissed events are logged every time you tab out and then back in.

note: we're observing that this only happens when the link is clicked, not the hovercard. ,

ovasileva claimed this task.

Tested: Firefox 51.0.1

  1. Go to article for dog
  2. Hover over "carnivorous"
  3. Cntl + click on "carnivorous"
    1. Carnivorous page opens
  4. Close Page
    1. Preview appears open
  5. Move cursor
    1. Preview closes

Tested: Chrome 56.0.2924.87

  1. Go to article for dog
  2. Hover over "carnivorous"
  3. Cntl + click on "carnivorous"
    1. Carnivorous page opens
  4. Close Page
    1. Preview appears open
  5. Click with cursor
    1. Preview closes

Tested: Safari 9.1.3

  1. Go to article for dog
  2. Hover over "carnivorous"
  3. Cntl + click on "carnivorous"
    1. Carnivorous page opens
  4. Close Page
    1. Preview appears open
    2. Preview closes

Observed behavior is acceptable. Resolving.

@phuedx - the observed behavior is acceptable and previews are no longer stuck on Safari - any thoughts on why it's different throughout browsers though?