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Local IME script selector conflicts with Compact personal bar
Closed, DeclinedPublic


script selector location is an issue

the script selector control conflicts with Compact personal bar

Version: master
Severity: normal
See Also:


Screenshot_2014-07-07_11.25.40.png (198×662 px, 25 KB)



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.Nov 22 2014, 3:40 AM
bzimport set Reference to bz67613.
bzimport added a subscriber: Unknown Object (MLST).

Not sure what that is but it certainly is not ULS.

Does anyone know what component that script selector is from?

(In reply to Jared Zimmerman (WMF) from comment #2)

Does anyone know what component that script selector is from?

It's a local script. If you don't provide URLs, nobody can help you. :-) is one place you can see it, but I've seen it on other non-latin laguage wikis as well.

Yes, many indic wikis have a variant of it, but it doesn't mean it's always the same.

In case of new, asking User:/छ्येलेमि:Eukesh to take a look might be a good idea as several other scripts are loaded from her/his user namespace too.

eukeshranjit wrote:

Hi all,
Thanks a lot for the concern. The script is for transliteration from Latin keyboard to non-Latin based languages. The scripts were designed for the old format of wikipedia. The search box displays fine in all my computers and this is the first time that I have seen it loading like that. If someone could change the location, please go ahead and do it. Thanks.

As far as I know, the script seen here is basically an early form of the Narayam extension.

I see that this script is being loaded by default for all users on the wiki. I also see that the jquery.ime repository at github does not have any rules specified for newari.

A good solution to this would be to file a bug requesting that these rules be incorporated in jquery.ime for the newari language. If any changes are desired, they can be done by newari wikipedia users before filing the bug.

Once the bug is filed, it'll only be a matter of time before the rules are added to jquery.ime and the tool is updated on wikipedia. Then the same rules would be available in ULS and the local script would no longer be needed.

If only the position of the script control needs to be changed, the code is at