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VisualEditor: Weird behavior around a wikilink
Closed, ResolvedPublic


  1. VEdit .
  1. Reach the end of the second paragraph, find the word Métivier.
  1. Start typing right before the "M" or after the "r". Pawns appear and random letters can appear in the word. Click on the word again, and watch letters and pawns multiply.
  1. Abandon the edit, go back to step 1 and 2.
  1. Add an "h" after the "t": Méthivier.
  1. Enter the link tool and click Supprimer to suppress the link.
  1. Notice the "h" has become an "é": Météivier. This is just an example, you can get different results adding other letters.

Version: unspecified
Severity: major

