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Feedbackpage article: wrong numbers
Closed, ResolvedPublic


This report shows the condition at 25. Jan. 2013 of

This are the numbers displayed (view of editor):

  • 3 posts about this page (header)
  • All visible: 2 (filter)
  • 50% found what they were looking for
  • marked as abuse: 4 (filter)
  • All comments: 0 (showing:/filter)

an administrator looked up the page and gave his view:
table (y=yes,n=no):
Id found? comment? helpful not-helpful x Abuse-Marks hidden? featured? resolved?
2038 y n 0 1 0 n n y
7483 n y ("aasdfgh") 0 2 5 n n y
10898 y n 0 1 0 n n y


  • 1 to 3 missing feedbacks (3 visible vs. 4 marked abuse, but only 1 marked)
  • 50% found ration by 3 feedbacks
  • ...

Version: unspecified
Severity: normal



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.Nov 22 2014, 1:15 AM
bzimport set Reference to bz44829.
bzimport added a subscriber: Unknown Object (MLST).

The numbers are rather weird indeed.

Problem 1:
4 Beiträge zu dieser Seite
66 % haben gefunden, wonach sie gesucht haben
-> the 66% is a percentage unattainable with 4 votes. Reason is that only feedback on the last 30 revisions of the page is used for the percentage-calculation, and the feedback for revision 113130638 is being ignored: this was done to not let negative feedback drag down the numbers even after the feedback has been resolved. This is indeed rather pointless and very confusing. See also, another ticket to change this.

Problem 2:
Als Missbrauch gekennzeichnet (4) -- When clicking this filter, no feedback _at all_ is displayed
-> There appears to be a bug in how the filter totals are calculated in the case of flagging as abusive: every flag (unless the post is hidden/deleted) will increase the filter's count; there is no checking that this exact feedback entry had already upped the count (so 4 of the flags of feedback 7483 had increased the number of the filters up to 4). This code will change completely in upcoming refactored code - will soon no longer be an issue.
-> No feedback being displayed is because the post is also hidden, in which case people with certain permissions can see the feedback. In upcoming refactored code, this discrepancy between counts (which are actually faulty already) & actual feedback should be gone; & filters will change anyway.

Reference material: current situation / all feedback for this particular page, straight from DB:

| af_id | af_page_id | af_user_id | af_revision_id | af_created     | af_abuse_count | af_helpful_count | af_unhelpful_count | af_net_helpfulness | af_oversight_count | af_is_deleted | af_is_hidden | af_is_unhidden | af_is_undeleted | af_is_declined | af_is_unrequested | af_has_comment | af_is_featured | af_is_unfeatured | af_is_resolved | af_is_unresolved | af_relevance_score | af_relevance_sort | af_is_autohide |

| 12861 |     120613 |          0 |      113457566 | 20130131171852 |              0 |                0 |                  0 |                  0 |                  0 |             0 |            0 |              0 |               0 |              0 |                 0 |              0 |              0 |                0 |              0 |                0 |                  0 |                 0 |              0 |
|  7483 |     120613 |          0 |      112793035 | 20130115174624 |              5 |                0 |                  2 |                 -2 |                  0 |             0 |            1 |              0 |               0 |              0 |                 0 |              1 |              0 |                0 |              1 |                0 |               -100 |               100 |              0 |
|  2038 |     120613 |          0 |      111925364 | 20121226193501 |              0 |                0 |                  1 |                 -1 |                  0 |             0 |            0 |              0 |               0 |              0 |                 0 |              0 |              0 |                0 |              1 |                0 |                 -6 |                 6 |              0 |
| 10898 |     120613 |          0 |      113130638 | 20130125182739 |              0 |                0 |                  1 |                 -1 |                  0 |             0 |            0 |              0 |               0 |              0 |                 0 |              0 |              0 |                0 |              1 |                0 |                 -5 |                 5 |              0 |
  • This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 43887 ***