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VisualEditor: "Welcome to VisualEditor" iframe causes Chrome to re-render the page
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Best seen on a slow connection e.g at; I used Chrome 29 on OSX 10.7

Seen on beta labs and test2wiki with a fresh browser instance:

  • Click Edit/beta, invoke VE
  • View of page appears, then disappears, refreshes and appears again before "Welcome to..." iframe appears
  • Click X to dismiss iframe
  • iframe disappears for a moment, then reappears, then disappears again

Given a slow enough connection, this behavior could be bothersome for regular users of VE.

It definitely causes constant failures in the browser tests for Chrome on both beta labs and test2wiki.

This is not seen in Firefox

Version: unspecified
Severity: major
See Also:



Event Timeline

still seeing this in automated tests

also, I reproduced this again manually using the slow connection at as noted, and in addition to seeing the double-load of the page and double-load of the welcome notice, after clearing the notice I am presented with a message "You are not logged in". This is impossible of course, since I have to be logged in with the opt-in preference set in order to be able to invoke VE at all.

The "You are not logged in" notice does not appear consistently.

I'm confused as to how the browser tests for Chrome passed 9 days after this bug was filed - - only to fail again immediately thereafter, where the only intervening change in VisualEditor's code base was an alteration to the browser tests - - which feels like a different issue, and one where the problem is with the tests, not the code they are testing?

Because both the underlying page and the Welcome to... overlay appear and disappear and reappear and then finally disappear for good, there is a chance that the correct elements will be in place at the times that the test looks for them. On rare occasions the build will hit everything with perfect timing.

The other interesting artifact of this issue is that the tests in each build fail for different reasons, because the page and the overlay are appearing and disappearing and reappearing.

Watching the behavior in crossbrowsertesting as noted above is instructive. The appear/disappear/reappear/disappear-again behavior is easily seen, I just checked it again.

And while the appearance of the 'You are not logged in' notice despite being logged in is more difficult to reproduce, it seems to be a symptom of the same issue.

This may only happen in Chrome 29, I have yet to repro in Chrome 30

This bug was reported and is reproducible against Chrome version 29 but does not appear in Chrome version 30. Closing.